
ICWRR 2024 | IWA-RMTC 2024 |
18-21 June 2024

Submit your abstract

Authors are invited to submit a 4-page (no more and no less in length) extended abstract which will follow the instruction provided in the Abstract Template. To be accepted for the Conference, the submissions must report work that is novel, well described, and suited to the Conference themes. Submissions must contain original data and meet international ethical standards.

Selection criteria include high technical quality, relevance to the conference themes, and significant information content. Papers for accepted abstracts must be prepared by adopting the Paper Template.

On the basis of the submitted extended abstracts, a review will be undertaken to select the best extended abstracts for oral presentation or poster presentation.
The highest quality extended abstracts will be selected and authors will receive an invitation to submit to cooperating journals for inclusion in special issues after the normal peer review process of the following journals: Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Science of the Total Environment.

The acceptance of a full paper for conference presentation does not guarantee subsequent acceptance for journal publication, the final decision on journal publication lies with the journals’ Editor-in-Chief. Any copyright transfer will be necessary to provide for full papers.

At least one author of each selected paper must register and attend the conference to present the paper (poster or platform presentation). Multiple abstracts can be referred to one author.

Download area

Extended abstract Template

Word | 224 kb

ICWRR 2024 -Springer Copyright Transfer

Word | 51 kb

IWA-RMTC 2024 -Springer Copyright Transfer

Word | 51 kb

Springer Policy for ICWRR 2024&IWA-RMTC 2024

PDF | 384 kb

Platform Template

PPTX | 1.047 kb

Poster Template

PPTX | 368 kb

Practical information

PDF | 5.000 kb

Platform presenters instructions

PDF | 470 kb

Flash presenters instructions

PDF | 540 kb

Poster presenters instructions

PDF | 540 kb


Authors are invited to submit a 4-page (no more and no less in length) extended abstract which will include introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references. To be accepted for the Conference, the submissions must report work that is novel, well described, and suited to the Conference themes. Submissions must contain original data and meet international ethical standards. Selection criteria include high technical quality, relevance to the conference themes, and significant information content. Abstracts that are deemed commercial in nature will not be accepted.

1. Abstracts must be submitted by January 12nd, 2024
2. Abstracts must be 4-page (no more and no less in length)
3. Abstracts must follow the guidelines provided in the Abstract Template
4. Abstracts will be accepted in English only
5. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee
6. Authors will be notified when their abstracts are accepted
7. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned to the author, who must resubmit immediately in the correct format in order to be considered for inclusion in the program
8. Do not add page numbers
9. Upload file as both word office and pdf document.

Revised extended abstracts

The authors of accepted extended abstracts will be invited to submit a revised version of their accepted abstracts on the basis of the reviewers feedback.

1. Revised extended abstracts must be prepared following the guidelines given in the abstract template
2. Revised extended abstracts must be submitted in both word office and pdf format
3. Revised extended abstracts (on the basis of the reviewers feedback) are due by March 20th, 2024
4. Revised extended abstracts must be no more than 5 pages and no less than 4 pages
5. Extended abstracts submitted after deadline could not be included in the conference proceedings.

Oral presentation

1. Accepted extended abstracts must be presented by one of the authors
2. Each author may present one extended abstract only
3. All presenting authors and conference delegates are required to pay the conference registration fee and are responsible for making their own travel and lodging arrangements
4. Accepted extended abstracts, as oral presentation, will be selected in two of the following options: Platform and flash presentation
5. Platform presentation: each presentation should be a maximum of 12 minutes long allowing for 3 minutes of questions so that the total time per presentation does not exceed 15 minutes
6. Flash presentation: each presentation should be a maximum of 3 minutes long with a poster

Poster presentation

1. Each poster should be 120 cm long and 80 cm wide.
2. Authors should use the template for the poster downloading the file.

Post conference publications

Our sponsor

Conference Platinum Sponsor

Conference is being held under the auspices of

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869283

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869283


Contact person: Giorgio Mannina



+39 091 238 96 5 - 56 -14 -52-55